Friday, February 1, 2008

A little bit of movie history comes back to Malibu

MASH was aways my television fall back position - if nothing else decent is on, at least I knew I could always find an episode of MASH to watch. Well now it looks like we'll be able to drive up to Malibu and see a little bit of the MASH barracks in the flesh: 'MASH' camp comes alive - Los Angeles Times
That's definitely getting added to the list of fun things to do when the folks come out to visit!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, so you can rest... yeah right.

Damn, I wish this was available now. Even better, 3 months ago. Then I wouldn't feel so crappy. Maybe a flu shot isn't that bad after all? (Says the girl who once ran out of a doctor's office and locked herself in the car to avoid getting a shot. Yeah, I was a fun child.)