Friday, January 18, 2008

My amplifier went kablooey!

We're in the middle of rehearsal last night, and I noticed that my bass amp is sounding strange. Thin, tinny, not it's normal big bass-y self. After we finish running through the set it's crackling and popping and making some very suspicious noises so I put it down for a bit. A few minutes later I go back and hit a note and... nothing! Not a single sound comes out! So now I have a huge show tomorrow night and no amplifier. This is not good. Looks like we'll be hitting the guitar stores tonight. Oh boy, fun. *sigh*

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Trip photos

As promised, here's a link to check out the photos from the trip. Enjoy!

Blue Rodeo Trip
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Back from the Pacific Northwest

Just returned from our whirlwind 3-day tour of Seattle and Vancouver. Didn't sleep at all last night, except for an uncomfortable hour or two of catnapping on the plane from Seattle. The Blue Rodeo show was amazing, got to go backstage and meet the band. Very cool. Will be posting pictures later.