Thursday, January 10, 2008

Canada, here we come!!

A few days ago my dear husband and I were chatting about one of our favorite bands, Blue Rodeo. If you've never heard of them, go check them out now. They're huge in Canada and have been making amazing albums for almost 25 years now. Seriously. Go.

So we're talking about how we'd love to see them live, but they rarely tour the U.S. However, it turns out that they're touring Canada right now and will be playing two nights in Vancouver this weekend. The conversation goes like this:

Him: Vancouver's not that far, right? (Mind you, we live in Southern California.)
Me: Well, it's too far to drive there and back in two days, but it's not far to fly. I think we need passports to fly to Canada though.
Him: Hmmm. (Looks at map) Seattle's kind of close to Vancouver. Could we fly there, then drive to Vancouver?
Me: I suppose, as long as I'm back for work the next day.

After some intense online shopping for flights and car rentals, suddenly we have a three day trip to Seattle and Vancouver, leaving tomorrow! The only thing we don't have booked yet is a hotel, but if any of you know anyone in Seattle or Vancouver that might be willing to put us up for a night, we'd be eternally grateful. Floors, couches, barcaloungers, we're not picky!

Fun with blenders

In search of the answer to the age old question, "Will it blend?," the host throws all types of items in the blender - iPhone, Bic lighters, Chuck Norris, just to name a few. This is a great concept for creatively demonstrating the power of a product! And it's strangely satisfying to watch an iPhone get reduced to a pile of black dust in seconds!

Will It Blend? | Presented By Blendtec

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Into the wild blue yonder

Today's moment of zen. Sit back, relax, and watch it go.
Epic Paper Airplane Flight

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Continuing in my quest to know everything...

Here's a fun new website that aims to list "Every Rule of Thumb on Earth in One Place!" If you log in, you can contribute new tips or vote on the value of the ones other people submit. All hail the hive mind!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Why good smart beople do bad dumb things

Calling all psychology enthusiasts! I'm fascinated with how the mind works and this collection of articles highlights some of the most interesting studies in human behavior ever done. A great read!
PsyBlog: Why We do Dumb or Irrational Things: 10 Brilliant Social Psychology Studies

The weight is gone!

Did you ever have this thing that you know you should do, yet never get around to doing, and it just weighs on you constantly? Even when you're not thinking about it, there's that little voice in the back of your mind going "Why haven't you done that yet?? It's so quick and easy! Do you WANT to lose everything just cause you couldn't be bothered? Get it done already!!"

What I'm talking about of course is backing up my computer files. And the good news is, my new hard drive just arrived and it's backing up everything at this very moment. I can feel the heavy spectre of lost data melting away with every copied megabyte! I'm free!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

When they all start to sound the same...

They keep telling us they're different, but all I can see are the similarities. If you're like me and wondering how to compare the presidential candidates in more objective terms than what you hear in their stump speeches, check out the NY Times Election Guide 2008 - Presidential Election - Politics. It lists where each candidate stands on six major issues, including what actions they've actually taken in the past on those issues. Have fun comparing and contrasting!