I'm a rotten communicator. No really, I never call or email anyone unless I have at least two good reasons (and "just to chat" doesn't count as a good reason). In fact, my avoidance of the telephone is a running joke with my friends. So as a poor substitute, I offer you this blog.
I know, I should just pick up the phone once in a while, but in the meantime, now you'll be able to keep tabs on all the fascinating goings-on in my head. I'm guessing the blog will probably break down into about 20% stuff about my band (had to get that link in there somehow), 30% stuff about my plans for the weekend, and the rest about things I randomly stumble across on the internet and want to share. Riveting! If you like it, comment and subscribe. Hell, even if you don't like it comment and subscribe - it might stir things up a bit!
Oh, and I promise I'll call you back soon! Honest!